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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 19:31 
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Cavey wrote:
(3) Anyone who thinks 99.999% of the FME "scene" gave a toss whether or not MAME's precious rights had or had not been asserted is off their head; they just wanted to play fruities on their PCs (and by all accounts, IIRC MAME have laughably failed to cash even a fraction of the cheques their dev team appeared to be writing to said scene ooh, what, 5 years ago now? Mind you I'm well out of touch now)

I'd be the first to admit it's taken a while, but a £70 jackpot DEAL OR NO DEAL fruit machine (Scorpion 5 BFM tech, completely unemulated by anything except MAME) is now playable on your PC.

Door-open for now with the occasional alpha glitch, but other than that all there and complete. DX layout, full sound, proper LED displays etc. And yes Noel wittering on constantly.

By all accounts it's been a substantial task to get this game working, but now that the back of the process has been broken, more should follow with greater ease.

MAME surely does take its time, but it gets there in the end.....


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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 19:34 
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I've always wanted more Noel on my computer...

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 16:00 
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Naughty Stu? ... are_btn_fb

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 18:44 
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Hearthly wrote:

Glad you posted that. Wouldn't have seen it otherwise

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 18:51 
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I think the police should investigate some fucking crimes rather than aggressively pursue twitter spats. When my car was broken into they wouldn't even come out to fingerprint a can that the thief had clearly touched unless I had some fucking DNA.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 21:44 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Satsuma wrote:
I think the police should investigate some fucking crimes rather than aggressively pursue twitter spats. When my car was broken into they wouldn't even come out to fingerprint a can that the thief had clearly touched unless I had some fucking DNA.

Without knowing anything about the Stu case, obviously, some Twitter 'spats' can be longstanding campaigns of harassment, vile racist and sexist, homophobic or other abuse, and whether it occurs on Twitter, over a garden fence or in an office can ruin lives.

That's not saying that this case with Stuart Campbell is more or less worthy of investigation than your car, because it could be completely spurious allegations or something more sinister, and nobody knows at the moment. We had our car stolen whilst we were sleeping on Thursday night and we've had no contact from the police other than when we phoned, were given a crime ref and told to go on our jolly way. They did email a link to some victim advice, but the link was dead. Top notch.


 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 21:52 
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Satsuma wrote:
I think the police should investigate some fucking crimes rather than aggressively pursue twitter spats. When my car was broken into they wouldn't even come out to fingerprint a can that the thief had clearly touched unless I had some fucking DNA.

As much as sympathise with your break in, I think simplifying stuff to that degree is Daily Mail as all hell and utterly beneath you.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 22:28 
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Bamba wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
I think the police should investigate some fucking crimes rather than aggressively pursue twitter spats. When my car was broken into they wouldn't even come out to fingerprint a can that the thief had clearly touched unless I had some fucking DNA.

As much as sympathise with your break in, I think simplifying stuff to that degree is Daily Mail as all hell and utterly beneath you.

I don't think so. Some crimes are just worse than others. The CPS are due to start treating twitter exchanges the same as face to face abuse which means more resources will be poured into 'digital crime'; by the same token, petty crimes, vehicle theft, etc are on the rise and there's less police to investigate.

I'm sure some digital abuse can be very troubling but by the same token just clicking delete on your twitter app is not the same as getting your car nicked which you need to get too and from work so you can pay for your mortgage.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 23:10 
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Yes, you should delete Twitter if you're being abused. Come on Sat, you're better than this.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 23:18 
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Yeah, or buy a new car, wallet, satnav or whatever.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 23:21 
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Satsuma wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
I think the police should investigate some fucking crimes rather than aggressively pursue twitter spats. When my car was broken into they wouldn't even come out to fingerprint a can that the thief had clearly touched unless I had some fucking DNA.

As much as sympathise with your break in, I think simplifying stuff to that degree is Daily Mail as all hell and utterly beneath you.

I don't think so. Some crimes are just worse than others. The CPS are due to start treating twitter exchanges the same as face to face abuse which means more resources will be poured into 'digital crime'; by the same token, petty crimes, vehicle theft, etc are on the rise and there's less police to investigate.

I'm sure some digital abuse can be very troubling but by the same token just clicking delete on your twitter app is not the same as getting your car nicked which you need to get too and from work so you can pay for your mortgage.

Some crimes could be possibly construed as worse than others but saying that no resources should ever be spent on the 'lesser' thing is nonsense. It's like saying that until the NHS has cured cancer they shouldn't splint broken arms.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 23:36 
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Especially since it depends what you get from the internet. If it's your livelihood or your support network, or whatever, and it turns into people sending you death threats and whatnot, then it's not just as easy as clicking delete. Especially if you've had problems with stalker types or weirdos before.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 0:18 
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Bamba wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
I think the police should investigate some fucking crimes rather than aggressively pursue twitter spats. When my car was broken into they wouldn't even come out to fingerprint a can that the thief had clearly touched unless I had some fucking DNA.

As much as sympathise with your break in, I think simplifying stuff to that degree is Daily Mail as all hell and utterly beneath you.

I don't think so. Some crimes are just worse than others. The CPS are due to start treating twitter exchanges the same as face to face abuse which means more resources will be poured into 'digital crime'; by the same token, petty crimes, vehicle theft, etc are on the rise and there's less police to investigate.

I'm sure some digital abuse can be very troubling but by the same token just clicking delete on your twitter app is not the same as getting your car nicked which you need to get too and from work so you can pay for your mortgage.

Some crimes could be possibly construed as worse than others but saying that no resources should ever be spent on the 'lesser' thing is nonsense. It's like saying that until the NHS has cured cancer they shouldn't splint broken arms.

You'll have to refer me to where I said no resources should ever be spent on twitter abuse.

I've said that prosecuting twitter abuse the same as face to face abuse is nonsense. The odd comment that someone disagrees with can easily be dealt with by blocking someone. It's easy crime for police to pursue these crimes: get a couple of screen grabs, trace the IP address, etc etc, you're nicked sonny Jim. If greater resources are pumped into investigating these complaints we'll never get any resources reinvested in investigating low level crime. Burglary, vehicle theft and the like are routinely dealt with over the phone and the most the police will do is issue a crime reference number and circulate details. Low level crime is rising and it's the one crime that affects ordinary people the most. Ask anyone who has had their house broken into. I had a client who was knocked off his bicycle and the driver took off leaving him with major injuries. The police weren't interested in canvassing for CCTV footage from local shops. I had to do that on his behalf. He was issued with a crime reference number. Once I'd located the vehicle details it was an uphill battle to reinvigorate the police to investigate the accident. I don't blame the police; they don't have the resources, but the crime stats are worrying and to see valuable police time pumped into another twitter spat is a concerning trend.

What we should be doing is empowering users and having Twitter and the like respond to complaints and reports about abusive behaviour blocking users, users IPs and whatever. The government should be putting pressure on these companies to make sure they police themselves without wasting police time. Twitter makes millions of pounds from UK users and businesses and it's astonishing that the government are satisfied to use valuable police time and resources to deal with these complaints. a better solution would be to compel twitter to police itself better with U.K. police being the last resort.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:33 
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Bear in mind it's not so simple. If he starts posting stuff in twitter, you can guarantee that his horse of Nationalist arse holes will go after you as well.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:05 
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Mr Dave wrote:
Bear in mind it's not so simple. If he starts posting stuff in twitter, you can guarantee that his horse of Nationalist arse holes will go after you as well.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:37 
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Satsuma wrote:

Ask anyone who has had their house broken into.


I had my house broken into and was robbed by two men when I was trapped at home, inside. And as mentioned a few posts ago, we had our car and my child's belongings stolen a week ago, from our driveway, whilst we slept.

Both were frightening, horrible experiences.

I was also bullied online on, of all things, Etsy. I have no idea what started it. I think it may have been jealousy after I was featured in a few magazines and started getting asked to write articles, but can't be entirely sure. Then I was featured on DeviantArt's feature section, and that just started some kind of hate campaign. The things that were said about me and ridiculous nasty things said of me by some stranger started to spread. I was part of a community on Etsy with chat rooms and forums, and slowly this woman's campaign against me gained traction, DeviantArt took down the feature on me due to being bombarded with messages from this woman and, by now, her miniature army hate. I went onto the chat incognito and they were all chatting about how best to take down my website: bombarding it with vile comments, buying small things on Etsy and leaving very negative comments... they did both and got my shop not only removed but me banned and my Paypal account stopped.

I went to Etsy with all the evidence: threats of violence and rape (yes, a group of women, exclusively women, were discussing how to rape me with all manner of objects), and how these people, first met in Etsy, spread this all around the internet.

I used to do quite well on Etsy, I was part of a large collaborative project that took place at Edinburgh museum, and I made a little livelihood from that. They took all that away from me. The living but also the thing that made me the person that I was. I was shaking constantly, for days, and it led me to a period of depression where I just couldn't see the point of ANYTHING any more.

Etsy did apologise, and sent me a huge parcel of gifts, but when I got the nerve up to try again it was associated with the old account and I was banned. I contacted them, apologies again, then after another couple of days, closed again. After a third time I gave up.

We don't know who has complained and over what words, but words can do a lot of damage whether they are typed in a newspaper, said to someone's face, or posted publicly online. ESPECIALLY if you have a large group of strong-minded followers.

I think I can safely say that I sympathise with your car being broken into, with ours taken and my family now unable to get about, and after my own break in, but I also know how devastating a prolonged campaign of words can be, and it's entirely dependant on the individual cases as to which is 'worse'.


 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:19 
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That's vile, Mimi. Cottage industry rivalries are horrifying sometimes. A friend of my mother-in-law makes a decent living from making greetings cards, but she's had to struggle all the way. It's a great way to ruin a hobby, so I hear!

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:23 
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Mr Dave wrote:
his horse of Nationalist arse holes

Don't saddle him with this.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:39 
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Zardoz wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
his horse of Nationalist arse holes

Don't saddle him with this.

Neigh time for jokes here Zardoz.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:54 
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DavPaz wrote:
That's vile, Mimi. Cottage industry rivalries are horrifying sometimes. A friend of my mother-in-law makes a decent living from making greetings cards, but she's had to struggle all the way. It's a great way to ruin a hobby, so I hear!

Oh, it's a long time ago now, but it could have been in literally any other area of discussion that takes place on the internet on any platform where words can be exchanged and/or made public.

I just think it's impossible to say that one type of crime is lesser than another when both can be so wildly varying in severity. Someone stealing your pen, your purse, your laptop, something from your car, your actual car, burgling your house whilst on holiday and burgling it whilst you are petrified inside all feel different in severity to me, but they may each feel more or less severe to others.

Online disagreements, arguments, sexual and racial abuse, harassment, campaigns of harassment, inciting others to harass, threats of rape and personal injury/death similarly perhaps have varying degrees of severity. The thing is, nobody knows what's being investigated, hopefully just a disagreement which will quickly be cleared up, but that it is more or less serious or affects the alleged victim more or less than any of the types of theft is something that is difficult to surmise at present, I think.


 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:59 
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Joans wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Bear in mind it's not so simple. If he starts posting stuff in twitter, you can guarantee that his horse of Nationalist arse holes will go after you as well.


 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:41 
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Stu news! ... tion-case/

KEZIA Dugdale’s defence of a £25,000 defamation claim is being paid for by the Labour Party in London, it is understood.

The former Scottish Labour leader is being sued by nationalist blogger Stuart Campbell after she accused him of making homophobic remarks, which he strongly denies.

She will face a courtroom cross-examination next year after a sheriff gave the green light for a full hearing.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:49 
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Responding to Labour paying Ms Dugdale's court fees, Mr Campbell said: "After a full week of Scottish Labour bleating loudly about how Alex Salmond should have paid his own legal costs, the hypocrisy of this would be – well, it'd be about what I'd expect, to be honest."


Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 14:52 
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She was on I'm A Celeb, IIRC. I thought she was quite pretty.

I also see Stu is still getting other people to fund his obsessions, too.

Although based in Bath since 1991, Campbell was the most prominent and active pro-independence blogger during the 2014 Scottish referendum campaign. He raised tens of thousands of pounds through crowdfunding campaigns to pay his salary and costs, and for other contributors to the Wings over Scotland blog.

Some things never change.....

I reject your context and reality, and substitute my own.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 14:54 
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I've read he's not actually a real reverend.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 14:54 
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Grim... wrote:
I've read he's not actually a real reverend.


I reject your context and reality, and substitute my own.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 15:08 
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Remember when Campbell wrote that:

Later, Lara finds herself standing on the roof of a flatbed truck which is thundering along a desert canyon in pursuit of her friend Anaya's jeep. Lara leaps off the cabin roof and, in a Matrix-esque bullet-time cut-scene, somersaults and spins through the air ahead of the lorry, shooting its driver through the windscreen and landing neatly in the passenger seat of the jeep.

Never mind the fact that the instant her feet left the roof, what would actually happen would be that gravity and physics would catapult her "backwards" like a Wile E Coyote contraption gone wrong, at an effective reverse speed of 50 mph (depending on whatever speed the lorry was doing, given that unlike Lara it's still having forward-propulsive force applied to it) and smush her messily all over the canyon floor. Don't try this at home, kids.

Then for years he would pop up on random gaming forums saying this was correct, despite basically everyone in the world telling him it was nonsense? As one forum put it (I can't find the canonical link for this now):

So, this seems like a pretty petty issue to take Stuart to task for, just fucking up some physics. But it's triviality is exactly the point, because Stu has never admitted he was wrong about it. At the time, Stu had his own forum which was full of sycophants (he would ban anyone who criticised him - the whole thing is now sadly deleted after Stu managed to alienate even his biggest fans), and even they were saying "great review Stu, but I think you're a bit wrong about the truck physics". Stu wouldn't accept it and started throwing around bans. He even had professional physicists come on to tell him he was wrong (extremely politely and obsequiously) and he wouldn't have it.

Years passed and if the matter came up he insisted he was still right. In fact, here's a comment thread from an article written in 2011 that offhandedly mentions Stu's review where the debate comes up again, and Stu actually wades in to insist that even after all these years he's still right, and it's the world that's wrong. I have no doubt that if he was asked about it today he'd still insist he was right.

The fact that this is so trivial is important. Here's an issue where Stu has been undeniably, empirically, mathematically proven wrong, and the stakes couldn't be lower, and yet he is absolutely incapable of admitting fault. The Hillsborough thing is just another example of this - he said a stupid thing borne of ignorance, which while it was terrible, could be quite forgivable for someone who had just followed the press and didn't know anything about the science of crowds to say. But it's an opinion Stuart publicly held, so he physically cannot accept it was wrong.

Well: ... 0630444032

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 18:10 
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The boards reduce drag for 90% of the motion. The guys on the trampoline are adding forward bias.

I mean, stu is wrong, but Newton still gets a say.

Now, if they do it again in a vacuum...

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 18:23 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Stu wouldn't accept it and started throwing around bans. He even had professional physicists come on to tell him he was wrong (extremely politely and obsequiously) and he wouldn't have it.

Yeah, none of that happened.

Except for the first four words, anyway.

[edit] the quote makes it look like Doc said the above, whereas he's actually quoting someone else.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 18:32 
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Indeed the argument was on rllmuk I believe, where he couldn't ban anyone.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 18:41 
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Were we his biggest fans? That’s a sad indictment of his career if true.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 19:03 
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Given that we left rather than give him any money, and he now has crowdfunded his political commentary career, I suspect we were not.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:22 
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Well, we might have been at the time.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:39 
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Cras wrote:
Given that we left rather than give him any money, and he now has crowdfunded his political commentary career, I suspect we were not.

Recently I thought: he might have been a bit ahead of his time then... seeing the rise of Patreon recently.... that would have been a model most onus wouldn't have objected too that much (I pay for my favorite podcast €1 per episode, wouldn't have mind a quid per extensive game essay), it was just the way it was presented at time it felt weird and wrong...

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:46 
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It was possibly more of a ‘last straw’ moment.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:49 
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I was there to talk to you clowns though, not because of Stu's content.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 14:11 
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MrChris wrote:
I genuinely have no idea how I ended up there. I hadn't heard of Mr Campbell, as I didn't have an Amiga. Nor, indeed, did I buy games mags at all. Still, I was incredibly cuffed at my discovery of such a lovely, well run forum, especially as the only other forum I had frequented before WoS was the one at which is full of cuntish, opinionated right wing lawyers*.

*What do you mean "is there any other sort"?

I still can't work out how I ended up on WoS... And I remained there despite Stu, not because of him. He was, is, and always will be, a complete cockwomble.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 14:46 
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Cras wrote:
I was there to talk to you clowns though, not because of Stu's content.


But I did enjoy a lot of his reviews.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 14:46 
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MrChris wrote:
I still can't work out how I ended up on WoS...


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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 14:53 
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I found AP2 and went from there.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 15:03 
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I think markg told me about it.

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 15:04 
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I was never on there....

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 15:19 
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Lonewolves wrote:
I found AP2 and went from there.

This for me too, I think.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 15:22 
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KovacsC wrote:
I was never on there....

Really? For some reason I thought you were...

So who/what brought you here?

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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 15:28 
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Kebabs, I think.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 16:01 
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I had final year university projects and revision, and needed a procrastination tool.

15 years later...

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 16:02 
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Have you not finished your degree yet?

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 16:04 
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Hibernating Druid

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proCrasternation tool


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 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 16:05 
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Prince of Fops

Joined: 14th May, 2009
Posts: 4377
Mr Dave wrote:
I had final year university projects and revision, and needed a procrastination tool.

15 years later...

And you can't spell that without Craster.

Well, you can. But you can't.

 Post subject: Re: Being Nice about Rev Stu thread
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 16:33 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 16691
Zardoz wrote:
I think markg told me about it.

I did. But I'm fucked if I can remember how I found it. I definitely had no idea who he was before then.

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