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 Post subject: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 16:22 
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Joined: 12th Dec, 2008
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Quite a while ago now I bought an Iphone 4 locked to Voda. I did Jailbreak it but at the time the particular phone I had could not be unlocked by Jailbreaking, given the version of OS7 it was running was too new. So I tried using Voda PAYG but I found it horrifically expensive compared to Three (who I was with on my Blackberry Q10 I had then).

I ended up giving the phone to my mother as a birthday present but less than a year later she confessed that she hated it and just couldn't figure it out, so I bought her a basic phone with a number pad and she was happy. Now, though, I would like to see if I can Jailbreak it and unlock it to all networks. Does any one know of a site that is good for this? I don't want to end up with a virus on my PC.


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 Post subject: Re: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 16:29 
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I don't know much about this being an Android guy but what version of iOS is it running now as I imagine that's probably relevant info.

 Post subject: Re: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 16:33 
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I'm currently restoring it with Itunes, it says it's restoring to version 7.1.2.

IIRC I originally used Pangu to do this, but it did not unlock the phone to all networks. IIRC it was because I had a particular model of Iphone 4. Sod's law every other version would also unlock all networks as well as jailbreak it.

That was when Pangu first came out though, so I was just wondering if anything had changed in regards to my phone or whether UltraSNow or whatever it's called would work better.

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 Post subject: Re: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 16:38 
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Just ask Vodafone to unlock it properly. Any contract will be long ago bought out by now.

 Post subject: Re: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 16:55 
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It's payg Doc so they won't :(

IIRC it was something to do with the Baseband.

Most Iphones were OK. Just wondered if mine was doable now.

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 Post subject: Re: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 17:18 
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Can't you take it to your local Mobile shop and have them do it?

Also worth calling VF as they are getting more and more stick over locking phones and dragging their heals about unlocking

 Post subject: Re: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 15:44 
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Well as I mentioned the phone had been jail broken quite a long time ago (when I first got it). I only wanted it for the simple reason that IOS allows me to (or should do) access an online chat service where I join up with chums of a weekend and we talk about football as it's happening. They're a great bunch, but now that I have a proper Sky subscription I no longer need to watch matches on a stream so I still need a laptop or desktop running so I could chat with my chums.

Well I tried to access this service using the phone "as it was" and nothing was happening. So in the end I plugged the phone into the PC and ran Itunes and restored it to "un jailbroken" and quelle surprise it worked and I can now access the chat service :)

This is very handy because it means I don't have to sit at my desktop or have my honkingly large laptop on my lap (trust me when I say it's like sitting with 50lb of bricks on your lap)

So in the end the fix was to put it back to stock :)

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 Post subject: Re: Jailbreak an Iphone 4
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 17:11 
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