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 Post subject: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 0:09 
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Following on the from the 'Favey games on every format you have owned?' thread, here's another idea: List the games that were (to use a term I don't like) the personal 'killer apps' for any games hardware format you might have bought. :)

(I don't expect all formats you might have owned had a 'killer app' though. I mean, from my own experience, some formats I bought out of brand loyalty without anything substantial available, like the Game Boy Color; some were gifts from parents when I was younger, etc.)

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 0:12 
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I remember getting a PS1 after playing ridge racer
I bought a PS2 so I could play the next generation of PES games.
I bought a xbox360 when I played crackdown at my mates house.

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 0:18 

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Project Gotham and Munch's Oddysee sold me an Xbox
Ferrari 355 sold me a DC
Formula One 97 sold me a PSX
I suppose technically PGR 3 sold me a 360 but I was largely dead set on getting new xbox regardless of the launch line up.
F1 GP sold me an Amiga.

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 0:21 
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The only 'system seller' i can think of at the moment was SF2 for the SNES , i really liked the arcade game at the time and saw pretty much a perfect conversion and thought - I've got to have this

Other systems have either had something else which attracted me to them or a collection of games , i cant remember another for which a single game sold me on it ....... actually one other - the Colecovision and Donkey Kong - again (at the time) an excellent conversion of a game i really enjoyed from the arcades.

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 0:23 
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Hmm.. I can't remember for most of the formats I've owned. I remember getting a PS1 to play Die Hard Trilogy (and picked up FFVII and International Track & Field at the same time) and, perhaps a little oddly, I picked up a 360 after only playing Hexic HD.

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 0:35 
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Amiga 500: My dad chose this over an Atari ST due to the F/A-18 Interceptor game in the Batman Pack bundle. He flies planes, you see.
Super NES: Super World World. Was so superior to all the poxy platform games for the Amiga, it hurt.
Nintendo 64: Super Mario 64. Because it was jaw-dropping back in 1996.
Game Boy Color: Pokemon Blue. Sort of. That wasn't a Color game, but I bought a US import cartridge ages before Pokemon was released in the UK, and as a slimmer Game Boy with a nicer screen was being released in a fortnight, I bought one.
Game Boy Advance: Assumed I'd get a GBA eventually, when there were decent games for it. After playing my friend's imported Mario Kart Advance, I knew that time had come, so acquired a purple GBA and Mario Kart Super Circuit days later.
DS: Wario Ware Touched in a demo pod. Just had to have more. And, hey, if the format flops, it'll still play my GBA carts, with a backlit screen too.
Wii: I wanted to play Twilight Princess, but my Gamecube had been discarded.
Mac: The inbuilt OS X Chess game. Just had to get a Mac after seeing that beauty in action... Phwoar...

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 0:58 
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V good idea ! I won't include systems that I didn't get brand new, or recently after they had released.

From memory...

ZX81 - I just wanted a computer and was waaay to young to have the skillz needed to make a ZX80.

Spectrum - JSW. JSW JSW JSW. For cripe's sake it was the in thing back then. Including that really annoying color code thing. Apparently they invented a technology called 'lenslock' but it was so darn good that the M.O.D nicked it. However, thinking a bit harder it was actually Daley Thompsons, Jet Pak and Pssst (and Trans am likes). I had to share the speccy with my brother, so we had to mutually agree on games we both wanted it for so we could plan our attack and make mum get us one :DD

I REAAAAALY wanted a C64 because of Impossible Mission. I used to go to a computer shop in Morden to get my Speccy games and listening to it go "Kill him my robots" and stuff just absolutely blew me away. But alas, we simply just couldnt afford a C64 because it was too soon after Dad died and we had to really pull in our belts. I never did own a C64.

C16 - got it on clearance from Currys for 30 quid because I wanted the fruit machine sim.

Vic 20 - hand me down from my cousin, but I really wanted it for the fruit machine sim.

NES - Mario. I cannot even tell you the hours I used to spend in Debenhams playing the display model. Also Rad racer (I sold my NES but got another one when Rad came out).

Master System - I just wanted Out Run and Shinobi. Oh and of course Hang On !

PC Engine - I played Vigilante round a mate's house and it was just incredible. I waited about three months for him to get an import MD before he finally cracked and sold it to me. I also loved Atomic Robokid. Fantastic little game. Of course bigger and better things came later (god the PAL booster was poo) but this thread's about what made you want the system :D

MD - believe it or not Altered Beast. I really liked it in the arcade. Oh, and I thought Rastan Saga was coming out on it (might have in the end) and seeing Thunderforce 4 on my pal's import system gave me a boner. He stayed over at my house for three days and we didn't sleep a sodding wink because of that game.

SNES - TBH at the time I knew little of Marioworld. I just saw it in Freemans and mum asked what I wanted for xmas/leaving school present so I said SNES. Fuggin glad I did now, Marioworld is one of my top ten games of ever.

Atari STFM - a mate of mine had summer olympiad on his (he had the old pooey ST that had a monitor but was soon ditched so fuck all worked on it) but I wanted one. For a LOOOONG damn time before I managed to scrimp up the 230 sheets from doing a paper round. Also Hostages. What an incredible game.

Amiga - First game I saw was Premiere and wanted one.

3DO - I got one quite late (for 130 quid new) because Fifa looked incredible. Oh and I saw a ep of Gamesmaster and saw Road Rash and fell in love.

32x - Virtua racing. Nuff said really.

Saturn - my cousin rented a saturn from BBV about a week after it came out. We spent about 4 days with no sleep playing Daytona. I was in love. head over heels... It took months to save up the 400 quid (first time Id ever paid that much for a console).

PSX - Worms. My cousin had a PSX (got it knocked off from somewhere) and he rented worms and me and him and two of his pals had the best laughs ever. God what a totally evil game.. Youd plot against one another, backstab and kiss your mate's ass trying to get him to attack someone else.. haha, pure gaming hilarity.

N64 - TBH I had no idea what was out on it because I got mine import about two days after it came out in Japan (mate flew over with some empty suitcases). I had Pilotwings with mine and had to play it in B&W because there was no RGB box at the time and no conversion. I played it like that for about two months before finally getting a RGB cable (with a box on). I just wanted one so bad because 'Ultra 64' made me piss my pants in excitement tbh. Oh, and I LOVED Cruisin USA in the arcades.

Cube - Again, it was just my mission to have the latest Nintendo. Right up til the cube the big N were my heroes.

Xbox - just because to be totally honest, it looked different.

PC back in the day - Stunt Island, Nascar and Indy car racing (486DX2 66 versions)

PC 2000 onward - NFSU, Doom 3 HL2 etc. All of which have made me spend stupid money on cutting edge hardware, only with Doom 3 the buzz lasted about three days. I never played it again.

If I've missed any I'll add em with an edit. I only got about 3 hours sleep last night so I'm a bit floaty and delirious lmao.


Neo Geo - Baseball Stars 2.

Mega CD - Night trap because of all the crap it caused in the media. Mind you the 3do one sniped the CD's ugly ass version.

DC - because Sonic had a fishing bit in it (the fat cat thing).

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:01 

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:05 
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Tekken sold me the PS1
I think it was the fact that all football games on the dreamcast were shit sold me a PS2
The novelty factor sold me a Wii
Ridge Racer 6 and Earth Defence Force 2017 sold me a 360 (no, seriously :) )
I can't remember the specifics for any of the others.

Edit - Although I was pretty much guaranteed to get one anyway, it was playing Sonic Adventure that made me go out the next day and buy a dreamcast.

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:08 
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HoHoHoans wrote:
Edit - Although I was pretty much guaranteed to get one anyway, it was playing Sonic Adventure that made me go out the next day and buy a dreamcast.

And then when you realised it a VMU to put them egg things on.... hahahaha.

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:44 
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PS1 for FFVII probably and then my mum bought me the PS2 when it first came out (she'd been saving for AGES for it for me for Christmas-love you mum!) and she bought Devil May Cry for it! I LOVE THAT GAME!!

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:08 
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Game Boy - it sold itself, really.
NES - Super Mario Bros 3
Genesis - Sonic 2 and Desert Strike
Sega CD - Silpheed
32X - Virtua Racing Deluxe (and Sega's propaganda/lies about the whole 'Mars/Saturn' thing)
N64 - Goldeneye
PSX - I suppose Resident Evil 2, though the two games I'd read about that most interested me (Parasite Eve and Megaman Legends) were never released for PAL.
PS2 - GTA3 and Burnout
360 - Test Drive Unlimited
Saturn - Nights
NGPC - Metal Slug 1st Mission and Puyo Pop
GBA - The thought of slightly-better-than-SNES games in a handheld. Mostly SMA2, in the end, as the actual original hardware was shit and by the time the SP came out I was too soured to buy one.
Game Gear - Sonic Chaos (what a fool I was!)

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:31 
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Just Ridge for the PS1, really. I saw it at my cousin's house and it looked so much better than anything I had.

The other consoles I own I already knew if I was going to get them or not. I got Rogue Squadron with my Cube on launch day which I thought was pretty impressive at the time.

Stuff like the Eggbox 1 I only got because I was bored and a guy at work was selling one, so I picked it up off him. I got a load of shit games with it (Matrix, anyone?) which to this day I've played about 10 minutes of. But one of them was Kung Fu Chaos. We played that game so freakin' much. The Eggbox grew to be my main console pretty quickly and Eggbox 360 was a no-brainer really.


 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:52 
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I also wanted a Playstation for Final Fantasy VII :)

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:30 
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Forza 2 for the Xbox 360. I'd played the original to death on the Xbox 1.

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:51 
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Comfortably Dumb

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HoHoHoans wrote:
I think it was the fact that all football games on the dreamcast were shit sold me a PS2

Ahh.. those were the days. 'Oh look, another Dreamcast football game has been released. Surely this one will be good...'

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:53 
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Forget piracy, that's what killed the Dreamcast.

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 13:01 
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Well, when I got my Playstation I was dying to play Formula 1 and Die Hard Trilogy, but I think I'd have bought one anyway.

The first real system seller for me was Crazy Taxi on the Dreamcast. I used to drive twelve miles to play the demo pod in EB every weekend. Realising that was bit silly, I bought my own.

The PS2 I didn't buy until Gran Turismo 3 came out.

The Gamecube I got because I'd been stunned by videos of Luigi's Mansion at E3. Turned out I didn't like the game all that much, but loved Super Monkey Ball, so that's okay.

My Xbox I bought for Halo, really, but also because I just wanted one.


 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 13:02 
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Aw man, Luigi's Mansion. I so love that game.

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 13:03 
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The only systems that have been sold to me by specific games were:

Playstation(s) - Tekken
XBox(es) - Halo

Before then I just got stuff because other people told me to.

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 13:56 
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Xbox - Very strangely, Splintercell.
360 - Halo 3, and xbox live, obv.

No, it was a giant robot castle!

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 14:12 
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Saturn - Guardian Heroes
PS1 - Final Fantasy VIII possibly.
Gameboy Color - Pokemon
N64 - WCW/nWo Revenge
Dreamcast - Crazy Taxi
PS2 - Dynasty Warriors 2
Gamecube - Super Monkey Ball
Xbox - Knight of the Old Republic (made me get my own instead of sharing one)
360 - Rock Band (the prospect of it coming out made me want one)
PSP - Ridge Racer
DS - Phoenix Wright

What sold me an Amiga was Amiga Power and Octamed. Not the games.


 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 14:19 
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I don't usually do this, although the mention of jet Set Willy reminded me that's why we got the RAM expansion for the speccy.

The only time I do this is when I upgrade my PC - there's always an awsome new game that needs a higher spec PC. This is why my PC is from 2003.

I'm going to pretend that Far Cry 2 is worth getting the PC version for, though.


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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 15:43 
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I specifically picked the SNES over the Mega Drive based on the SNES having the better version of Mortal Kombat 2. That was totally the main reason for getting it.

PS1. Picked that up to Syndicate Wars but hated the game.

Dreamcast. Bought immediately after seeing Virtua Tennis in action.

360. Bought for Dead Rising and because I knew PES6 and Mercenaries 2 were coming for it. Oh well, at least Dead Rising was good.

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 16:08 
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HoHoHoans wrote:
Forget piracy, that's what killed the Dreamcast.

I don't believe that man. I just don't.

I bought my fair share of DC titles, most of them were genuine. It was only when stuff like Ikaruga came along and the importers wanted like 90 quid for it that I turned to burning cds.

Personally I feel that the DC was released too early and Sega jumped the gun trying to out PS2 the PS2. Sadly at that time people were totally brainwashed by $ony and their stories of Saddam Hussein trying to use the processor from the PS2 to launch Nukes and just didn't buy one. Up until the PS3 $ony had a deathgrip on the gaming industry, thank god the PS3 has turned out to be a bit poo and the 360 being so damn good that they have been put back in their place.

Sega were the only company that didn't play along with $ony. Nintendo did, it cost them (PSX) Phillips did and it cost them too (never touched gaming since the CDI) and the PSX was so great (even though I hate to admit it.. basically because it had Nintendo written all over it) that nothing really stood a chance at that time.

So the upshot was 80% of the gaming world decided to wait a bit longer for PS2 and did. Had Sega held on like m$ did and created something similar to Xbox then I'm sure they would still be making consoles. But after the Mega CD (laughs, loudly) and the 32X (laughs even louder) and the release price of the Saturn (finally runs out of breath, turns blue and falls off his chair) Sega had blown all their chances.

Terrible shame, but it's been nice seeing their games on the console that suits them best :)

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 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 19:20 
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It's easy to look back now and rattle off a massive list of great dreamcast titles, but did any of them have mass appeal?

 Post subject: Re: Which game(s) sold you which formats?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 19:52 
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HoHoHoans wrote:
It's easy to look back now and rattle off a massive list of great dreamcast titles, but did any of them have mass appeal?

Not particularly no. The DC was hardcore for the gamers. But as the Wii has clearly shown sometimes you need that something else.

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