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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:27 
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Kris wrote:
Nearly there on that then.

When I came off my bike (doing 60 k/ph down the road) I got to work and a first aider put the worst bandage ever on it, it basically stuck into the wound and then i had to peel out all the bandage to reopen the wound to let it heal properly, completely healed over though perfectly fine (I was cycling throughout though)

Yeah that's no fun. That is why I have just kept it as dry as I can (since the bath episode) and just let it heal. I got ran over as a kid and skidded along the road on my naked back. We'd just been to the paddling pool up the road. I had to have the dressings changed a lot, and yeah I clearly remember it sucking donkey balls. I've not dressed these because thankfully I have been resting up letting them heal. I just give them a spray with savlon wash daily. Trying to keep them as dry as I can tbh.

I did get myself a lot deeper than it looked though. It's dry enough to touch and inspect now and in parts it's quite thick and deep. Still, at least it hasn't kept me off my feet so I have been keeping up on house work, washing (enjoyed it I have been that bored).

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:11 
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Well bollocks. Last night my friend and his son came over so we could set about dyeing my pedals. Sadly I had a bit of a ceiling pee, so it was not safe in there. So we went off to his house, then discovered the plastic traps were held on with nuts and bolts, but they had been thread locked. The nuts were round ffs, so we fought with them over the next couple of hours but I had to give up. So I might have ordered a pair of these..


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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 16:57 
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So I scanned the brake plate into the PC and ended up with this.


Cut it out of vinyl with plotter, place on alu. Then cut, shaped and painted the edges (oh, and glued it on too)


So that can go back on the morrow or something.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 14:27 
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Brake is fitted and working. Slight rub, as something seems out of kilter (I think the wheel is ever so slightly warped, thus so is the disc) but I am hoping that will sort of wear in. If not I will have to get a disc bender and try and make it run true.

Will pick up the pedals on Tues when I go over mum's for a couple of days, should be back out on it later in the week. Injuries are now scab free, and just a little pink :)

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 14:39 
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You don’t need a special tool to bend disks, just careful pressure, though if it’s brand new it shouldn’t be bent.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 14:42 
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I don't think it started life out bent. It seems to go with the small warp in the wheel (which at centre will be worse). It's only literally 1mm or so. I just watched a vid, seems you can use a small adjustable spanner. Might have a go at that later :)

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 15:07 
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A bit of gentle finger pressure will do it. I’ve stopped mine catching that way.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 16:00 
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Dr Zoidberg wrote:
A bit of gentle finger pressure will do it.

Obv title

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I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:29 

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I have nothing to add but :this:

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:55 
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I got it about 99% perfect in the end. Hand bending, but the trick was marking it with a sharpie (with a dot) so I could see the entry point and exit points (then bend in the middle using finger pressure obs :D ) It's not touching now, and I managed to tighten the pads a whole bunch without any rubbing either. Hurrah. Now I just have to pray I don't get a puncture, because of course it would all need to come off to change the tube.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:21 
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Why would you have to take it off to replace the tube?

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:44 
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KovacsC wrote:
Why would you have to take it off to replace the tube?

Because the axle goes through it.

Oh yeah, forgot to say. It turns out my Proper BMX (the one I ride for messing around on) is bent. The frame, to be precise. That would explain why after fighting with it for ages I could never get the back wheel aligned properly :(

I bought it during winter, and didn't even check it over properly when it arrived. Stupid me, but thankfully it was cheap and came with fresh paint on so I didn't drop a nut on all of that.

So instead I got this.


Which will become my rider for doing stupid shit on. I will swap out the blue tyres for some black ones I have (new in the box) and bought a seat for £13 to replace the blue one I have.


So a strip and rebuild will be in order some time next week.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 14:35 
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Don't axles go though all bike wheels..?

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 15:13 
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KovacsC wrote:
Don't axles go though all bike wheels..?

Yes hence why you have to take off the wheel to change tubes. Problem is the brake does too, so it also has to be removed.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 16:07 
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The brake or the brake disk?

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 16:13 
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The caliper/bracket.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 16:38 
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Wow... unusual design

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 20:25 
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It's an add on plate/caliper holder (or adaptor in English) for bikes with no mounts. So I guess something has to give.. Hey, at least my rims will remain brake rub free now, and that which was on there came off with some isoprop and a cloth, so no harm done. Talking of which, the bike was bloody filthy ! so I gave it a good clean.

In a bad place ATM so am over mum's for three days. Behaving, and taking my pills on time all the time. Thus I have been asleep most of the day. Still, better than sitting around thinking of ways to make a noose from paracord I guess.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 17:47 
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OK so I came home and put the pedals on the PK. Got about half a mile out, then realised the back wheel had shifted :( had to walk it back, sort it out, meaning dragging it up and down stairs and through fire doors etc. A real PITA. Figured it would cool me down nicely.. Nuh uh. Man it is humid. Came home sweating profusely. Legs feel like some one set them on fire. Would do I guess, first time I rode in three weeks. I figured the ride outwards was too easy, so didn't go that far. Coming back? yeah, seriously windy in your face. Not good.

Have bought some new parts for the new bike I am building. You know? the one that I was supposed to be swapping the frame on...


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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:37 

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How did the back wheel shift?

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 15:14 
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Kris wrote:
How did the back wheel shift?

When I pulled the brake it moved. It's because the axle is not long enough to allow me to fit the chain tensioner on that side :(

I need to fettle it more. It is clear now, but not as well aligned as I would like.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 15:14 
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Did a front end swap on my Proper with some parts I had from a donor bike.


Also doing a rim job on my 1998 Quadangle :luv:



And get this, bought a set of wheels, came with a free paint booth :D


Am painting that spider/ring combo yellow to go on the Quad. Got my cranks in for the new, new new bike too.


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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 16:08 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Where do you keep all your bikes dude? In the flat? In a shed?

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 18:19 
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Trooper wrote:
Where do you keep all your bikes dude? In the flat? In a shed?

In the flat lol. Most of them fit in the hall way, thankfully.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 19:56 
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Off to see this on Saturday. Not sure why there are no girls though

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 19:59 
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durr girls arent tuff enuff hurt hurr

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I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 22:54 
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Grim... wrote:
durr girls arent tuff enuff hurt hurr


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Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 23:08 
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"So, we'll need the track to to cross this road, and there's loads of rocks on approach and we need..."
"Massive jump"
" think about the best way to ensure access is kept and...."
"Massive jump into super steep drop"
"...The way we need to a manage the land with regard to future.."
"Massive jump into super steep drop into a HUGE right handed berm"
"Are you even listening?

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Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 23:10 
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easy does it

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Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 18:14 
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New winter bike.

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MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 18:44 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Looks incredibly light.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 20:02 
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Helium tyres innit

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:03 
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I'm jonesing my bikes :(

Sodding weather. I did get a new seat for my orange bike because the white one started to look grotty and didn't take well to cleaning. White seats, bad idea. I've got a nice carbon post to put on it too that I had lying around from one of my race BMXes. Really looking forward to better climes now, as the depression is really starting to seep in. I forgot just how therapeutic flying up and down the beach path was. I did finish my Haro.


But fell off it the first time I rode it. The bloody chain snapped. Which gave me a nice swollen yellow knee for about 3 weeks, after which the weather turned and I've not been able to get out on it again. I sorted it though. It seems it's fussy about exactly where the back wheel sits in the dropouts (chain alignment) which is why the chain sodding snapped and gave me a big metal pedal to the knee.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:24 
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Is it/you made out of sugar or something? Just get out if it makes you feel better.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:37 
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Goodness knows, why all my pics never post right...

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:45 
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a) Beex is old
b) You hold your phone upside down
c) Profit!!!1

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 15:17 
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Only seems to be when i have my phone in landscape..

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 15:32 
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markg wrote:
Is it/you made out of sugar or something? Just get out if it makes you feel better.

I guess if I could bring the bike inland a bit it would be OK. But the wind has been terrible lately, and it's been absolutely freezing. So I guess it's motivation more than anything.

Still, I know as soon as I fit the new seat and post I will want to ride it :) I did ride it on the disc brake once but the cable came loose so I had to come back. Have fixed that now.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 15:36 
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I find that with running sometimes when the weather's shite. Just distract yourself and think about something else while you get ready to go out for a ride, once you're all set and ready to go out then you feel pretty stupid if you don't actually do it, so you do and then you remember why it was worth doing that and not just sitting on your arse.

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:47 
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My current (and last) BMX build.


2000 Standard STA made of Ox Platinum :) I had one back in 96, great frames.

Nearly finished it now, then it (along with nearly all of the others) goes into storage.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 16:47 
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So in the spirit of finishing everything before the move I moved onto the single speed...


Things done.. Sorted out the disc brake. Found a way to pull the wheel straight (masking tape) so did that. Also, the carbon cranks and new BB are in, new pedals on and a new carbon seat and Nukeproof post. Whilst I loved the white seat the dirt had started sticking to it making it look like I'd rubbed my cornhole on it. No cleaning made it come off, so I swapped it out. Also gave the whole bike a good clean and dialled everything to within an inch of its life. Can't wait to get it out (probably tomorrow now, as waiting on Amazon) but yeah seriously excited. I did go out for a ride on my GT Speed 20" earlier, but I gassed after about a mile and a half. Forgot how much hard work 20s were tbh.


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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:00 
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Shaving weight.


First set of carbon bars.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 15:36 
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Well they came. With orange warning stickers all over them stating not to tighten them higher than 7nm. Then I had visions of that seat post going "CRUNCH" a couple of years ago. I also thought about the parts I had trashed over the past few years. Last December I was in a hurry to get the bikes wrapped up before winter (so I could close up the loft) and wrecked a stem. One bolt rounded, the other snapped.


Whilst I was at it I decided to invest in a proper seat. Instead of just throwing what was lying around on it.


I have a skewer to fit to the front wheel too. Bike is so bloody big. Will be much easier to pop the front wheel off.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2020 18:19 
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Do your balls hang through there?

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2020 18:27 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow?

 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:48 
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Trooper wrote:
Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow?


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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 17:42 
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Two more fully restored and back from the dead this summer.



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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2022 22:16 
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Man I now have about 15 BMX bikes :S

I still have my 700C single speed. Here it was last summer.


The carbon bars really make it so much better to ride. Problem is I now live up 7 flights of stairs with 108 steps and my right shoulder is fudged. Because of the size of the bike you need to lift it up above your shoulders to get it back up. I can't leave her in the building it's not allowed. So, I decided that now I had spent 5 summers flying around on it and was confident in myself I could remove the clogs (alloy wheels) and lighten the load rather drastically. I started with this HED 3 Tour De France. Cost me £60, was tired and the axle assembly was missing.


Wet sand it out.


Matt clear (shiny carbon should be a crime) new decals, single speed conversion and rebuild using a £15 NOS hub.


Better. For the front wheel I initially bought this for £28.


Then I decided to start removing the white. So it didn't look nice and tbh? it was heavy. Heavier than the fully built rear with the tubular tyre on and the whole drive system. So I canned it and bought a Campagnolo for £60.


I originally bought a Campagnolo TT front brake two years ago but never got around to fitting it.


And the HED wheel can't use a disc any more so I got a rear Potenza.


I also bought a second hand Bontrager carbon fork. They were silver with exposed carbon. Repainted them black with exposed carbon and they got the flat clear too.


This is where I am at. Got new grips because the others had gone manky and were filthy, and some Brick Lane CNC brake levers.


Still waiting on the hope headset spacers (orange) and head doctor (also orange). The rear brake doesn't reach the rim either, so I had to get these.


I can confirm it now weighs less than a basket of soup.

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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 17:00 
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So last year I continued working on making the bike light. And I won. Now what I did not know was how much I had won by, but it was a lot. I reckon I cut its weight in half, and I joke not.

I took it out for a test run last winter after "finishing" it, and came to the conclusion that the pedals were downright dangerous. The bike shipped with what I can only describe as "lollipops" for pedals. And, they were on there for a bloody good reason. BZZZZZZZZZZP when you steer, shit in your pants. Really woke you up that did. So, I replaced them. It took a couple of months of hunting, but I found that Nukeproof do kiddies pedals called Urchins. Waited for them to be on sale, grabbed them for £40. In the interim I finished the brakes, got some authentic 1992 PK decals and replaced the chain with a Shimano one.


Excuse that 1998 tank I am working on. Have restored that one recently. Any way, I finally got me some of these.


The tank BMX weighs 38.1lb. My PKR weighs 17.9lb lol.

But, I had things to fit that will make it even lighter. First I bought this ages ago. The Shimano chain has a "bend to fit" link and I could not do it. That is what arthritis does to your hands.


I then clocked that the BB was not the Kooka one. I have a feeling I sold that on another bike by accident. So, I got me a FSA Platinum Quad titanium one. As you do.


Here is how it looks now, almost complete.


I even did this.


Couple cable ties, sorted. I then realised the skewer came for free with the hubs I bought to replace the back wheel parts. I got the hubs for £8. The Shimano axle I needed was £23. So, I got a Ti skewer for him too.


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 Post subject: Re: Bikes
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:08 
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What's the story behind the camo tyres?

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