The doctor protects gazchap.
alf the detective serial killer and the dodgy politician take each other out, leaving only the town left!
Well done town, you were fucked for the start of that game, a bad stroke of luck on the mafia's part to lose it.
Bad luck GJ, 1 kill away from your win condition, you should have gone for a townie tonight...
The full role descriptions for all to see.
Allegiance: Mafia
Character name: King Decisive of Chooselands
Description: Grovel before the regal King Decisive, he who knows his shit! Regale yourself with his tales of justice! Interest yourself with further tales of his majesty! Mutter an excuse under your breath and wander off, because he's not going to stop talking.
Night power (if any): King Decisive can use his special truth-o-vision to get one fact that someone posted in the previous day confirmed or denied by the GM. If the person posting doesn't actually know the answer (because they were lying, or something) then KD gets jack*.
Passive ability (if any): If the day ends in a draw, whoever King Decisive voted for will be lynched. He's the fucking king, after all.
Additional characteristics (if any): King Decisive must vote once per game day, and only once per day (within reason - if a day times out real quick and he misses it without posting at all, I guess that can't be helped. Also if there's a typo or something he gets to correct it. Also if the person dies during the day he gets to revote, I guess). Also, unsurprisingly, he's going to be quite eager to FUCK GAZCHAP UP.
Allegiance: Mafia
Character name: Robert
Description: Just looks like any normal person
Night power (if any): Random defense
If targeted take a list of all the night actions available in the current game and have a random action occur against the person who targeted them
This will all be displayed in the rules thread for everyone to see.
In addition to that, you can also send me:
Passive ability (if any): If targeted overnight knows the name of the character (or player - i could see both being interesting but it should be one or the other) who that person targeted for the *previous* night
Additional characteristics (if any): I was going to name the character Random Dent (Arthur Dents daughter) but thought that might be a bit of a giveaway so lets just leave this blank at the moment.
Allegiance: Town
Character name: Hollis Hampson
Description: Hollis worries a lot and is always late. Think of Hollis as the White Rabbit in Wonderland. Despite the neuroses, Hollis is a bright enough sort and will always try and make the right decision.
This will all be displayed in the rules thread for everyone to see.
In addition to that, you can also send me:
Passive ability (if any): Hollis is always late because he doesn't live in Town, he commutes. This make him immune to non-lethal night actions.
Additional characteristics (if any): Hollis can't vote until almost at the last minute, due to his worrisome nature. He will not vote until a player is within 2 votes of being lynched.
Future Warrior
Allegiance: Town
Character name: The Doctor
Description: renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey
Night power (if any): can choose to protect someone overnight.
Passive ability (if any): if the person protected is targeted by a kill role then the Doctor will take the hit in their place and regenerate. This is not revealed in the game thread.
Additional characteristics (if any): if regenerates, personality traits will change randomly (set by the GM but must be traditional 'Doctor Who' traits (eg grumpy, pretentious, arrogant, philosophical).
Has the option of a one-off power, travelling back in time to a previous day and preventing a lynch. However, this means the town will lynch the Doctor instead. All subsequent days' postings must be altered to reflect this new alternate timeline.
Allegiance: Town
Character name: Psychic Steve
Description: Born with an incredible gift, Psychic Steve can read minds simply by thinking about that person. He's often considered applying for the One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge, but thinks it would be a churlish use of his power so ekes out a meagre living in this tiny village, providing travelling clairvoyancy services.
Night power (if any): Can read a person's mind and find out their allegiance - not just Good/Bad, but specifics. He can only read a person's mind once, though.
Passive ability (if any): At the start of each day, he thinks about the village and can hear collective thoughts about allegiances different to his own - and thus knows an exact count of how many of each faction are in the game, except his own faction.
Additional characteristics (if any): Suffers from Tourettes Syndrome, and calls anyone that disbelieves in his power a very naughty word in his next post.
Allegiance: Mafia
Character name: Bin
Characteristics: You're a bin.
Night Power: If anyone discovers who you are then they can substitute their overnight power to pop inside amongst the garbage and hide out.
Passive Ability: I can't remember what this is.
Additional characteristics: You can't post on a Tuesday cause that's collection day, init.
Allegiance: Town
Role: Mr Dave
Abilities: His analytical mind means that he can perceive patterns and movements in the nuances and movements of people; he can investigate any one person who has made more than 8 posts in a single day - this can occur at any time.
Passive: His slight figure means that he has:
A 1d6 +4 modifier on investigations.
A 1d6 +3 modifier on ranged and targeted physical attacks.
A 1d6 +2 modifier on dagger attacks.
A 1d6 -2 modifier on blunt and blade attacks.
If no type of murder weapon is defined, assume relevant to character as appropriate.(or ask)
Allegiance: Town
Bored political election fraudster
You are a bored political election fraudster without a current campaign to work on. In order to while away the time at work, you have created a way to trick the voting system for upcoming elections and are able to double vote on any and all lynches. You may cast a single vote, but it has the weight of two votes. If this is done, the moderator will only explicitly list the vote once, but it will count twice.
Your win state is that your opposing side are all dead: you may choose your side at the very beginning of the game by sending a PM to the moderator. You may not change sides once the game begins, so choose carefully. Happy manipulating.
Allegiance: Neutral
Character name: Princess Sparklebum
Description: The youngest daughter of the King of the pixie folk, Princess Sparklebum is a flying joy-machine bringing laughter, happiness, and rainbows to everyone she meets.
Night power (if any): Princess Sparklebum can shower a player with kittens and unicorns and thoughts of wonderous giggledust, leaving them unable to do anything in the night phase.
This will all be displayed in the rules thread for everyone to see.
In addition to that, you can also send me:
Passive ability (if any):
Additional characteristics (if any): Princess Sparklebum is the youngest daughter. She'll never be in charge, and that properly pisses her off. As a result, while she probably could bring joy and wonder to everyone she meets, instead she doesn't. Her night ability could block someone's night action with thoughts of kittens and unicorns, but what's the fun in that? Instead she can manipulate her target's night action into doing the exact opposite of what it should. A doctor might kill their patient, or an investigation might return the wrong result or even out the investigated party to the world (I'll leave the specifics up to the boss man )
Win condition should be Town in the public thread, but secretly neutral. Princess Sparklebum wins if she survives to the end of the game. Investigations will reveal her true alignment.
Basically NIGHTCUNT mark II
Mr Dave
Allegiance: Town
Name: Tom Cruise
Description: Stuck in a closet with R Kelly. Not in a cult, Absolutely, completely, one hundred percent NOT in a cult. Don't even mention cults around him.
Night action (Public): During the night, he can go to a persons house if they're in and have a chat about things completely unrelated to cults.
Night action (Private): During the night he can go round and have a 'chat'. By 'Chat' I mean he goes round in a gimp mask, strips naked and dances round their house, right in their face such that they notice if they are in and writes a message on their walls in some dubious substance before escaping into the night. If roleblocked in some form, proactive or protective, the blocker gets subjected to the same dance instead but no message is given.
Passive ability: Due to being an absolute fruitcake, he's willing to join up to any 'organisation' no matter how absurd. Should he become aware of such an organisation, he rushes in, throws all his money at them and signs up to all their ideals. Naked.
The mechanics of this: Naturally there may not be another group, be it cult, zombie, mason or whatever, but no-matter. If someone dies in such a group, proving its existence, he joins up (even if it leaves him the only member, because... fruitcake). If someone somehow claims* to be in some group, regardless of whether they're bullshitting an existing group or have just made up said group he still joins the person doing the bullshitting in the guise of said group(They can then decide on a new win condition for the daft, ridiculous man and communicate with him. The win condition can't be mafia or pure town.)
When he joins, one member is put in contact with him with sign ups and the like. They tell him whatever details they like about his new life. Once one 'group' has been joined, he stays loyal to that group regardless of anything.
* - It's obviously up to you to decide what constitutes a claim, but he's desperate to join up to whatever nut jobs he can, so it doesn't take much of a hint to get him signing up.
Allegiance: Town
Role - Cedrick smythsonian
Abilities - none
History - former army chaplain. Struggles with concept of not being violent.
Passive ability - if targeted at night, he will punch out whoever is near him. The non-lethal action aimed at him fails and he knows who has targeted him but not what their action was. The person doing the targeting knows that they got knocked out and failed in their mission.
Adjust as necessary if he is targeted by someone who doesn't have to be nearby.
Goddess Jasmine
Allegiance: Neutral
Passive characteristic; if investigated will always show as vanilla townie.
Kill role: overnight kill ability, 5 kills = win
Hope you all had fun! If you didn't, remember, you only have yourselves to blame